These last couple months and really over moments in time in life, I have shown up this way.
This past year but even more deeply these few months since writing my book, I have been noticing how much suffering I create for myself.
I have been noticing the ways that I am out of integrity with who I choose to be.
A lot of it has to do with my body and how I treat my body. And it fascinates me how fucked up my relationship to my body is.
It also fascinates me that even though I see it so clearly, how challenging it has been for me to choose differently.
I also get that it really is just a decision. And I am working through my own shit around standing in this decision. And how ridiculous it is that I even struggle with it and that that in itself is a choice.
Struggle is a choice.
Humans, our minds really are conditioned to be cruel to ourselves.
I say this because I know at the root of this, I am not alone. Most of you are unconsciously in this battle all day long, too. And, you probably aren’t even aware of how much suffering you create for yourself.
Addicted to suffering because that is what we have been conditioned to believe.
And let me tell you… no amount of money will necessarily change this conditioning. There are plenty of the 1% that are miserable and suffering on the inside.
They may put on a mask and make it look good, but that doesn’t change the way they feel about themselves or their relationship with their body, their loved ones, their money, etc.
Suffering doesn’t discriminate.
Choosing to move out of it is a choice.
Anyway… as I open myself to this journey…
As I choose to let go of suffering in my life so that I can hold space for and be an anchor point for ‘The New Wealth’ and live a life of Infinite Abundance, Love, Joy, Bliss, and Peace I am hyper-aware of how I am choosing suffering.
Today as Xavier Rudd ‘Storm’ came on I started dancing.
I started breathing and releasing.
I have been dancing and breathing my way through writing this morning and realising that in the past couple of months, I stopped dancing.
I stopped moving in a way that allows my body to unwind, to release to move energy out of me.
I have been so stiff and uncomfortable in my body this past month. And I allowed that to be the way.
It’s like I’ve been holding my breath, bracing myself.
And it’s funny because in life as I have been noticing all of this suffering that I create for myself I’m not gonna lie, it’s not easy to look so deeply at myself and take such a deep amount of responsibility to see how I create all my own suffering. It’s not.
But, in doing so, I am empowered because I can choose differently. As can you, if you choose to journey this road.
So, as I see things so clearly, it must be like I am bracing myself for the next blow of where I am creating my own suffering and ultimately creating even more suffering by not allowing myself to release it.
#farout #human #wildride #shakinghead #laughable
Apparently, I haven’t been ready to let go of things.
Apparently, I had to walk that path.
And now I get to remember how good it feels to move my body.
I get to remember how good it feels to release built up energy in my body that is blocking my channel.
I get to allow myself pleasure.
Every day. Every moment is a choice in how we show up for ourselves, for our own integrity to living our dreams. No judgement to any of it. We are all in human bodies doing our best to navigate this human journey.
If you are not standing in a world of bliss and joy and abundance and love and peace then look within and see how you are allowing that, see how you are creating that for yourself.
Look within and see how you are not living in integrity with the person you desire to be. I’m not talking about the person you are now, because you are in full integrity with that, otherwise you wouldn’t be living that way.
So, are you in integrity with the person you deeply desire to be?
If not, whatcha gonna do to get there? It’s the way to your dreams coming true.
If you want a guide on this journey, I’m taking 3 people on for deep transformational work.
This will shake you to the core.
It will wake you up.
I will hold a strong mirror to you so that you can see yourself as you are and make choices that are in alignment with the person you are here to be once you can see where you are out of alignment with that, you will create massive transformation in your world.
If there is one thing my clients repeat time and time again… I hold a strong mirror for you to see yourself.
If you are like me, one of those people who can skate around a lot of coaches and mentors and not grow because you are hiding from yourself then give yourself the gift of working with me.
It takes someone who knows themselves well… who is clear on their own transmission to show you your own reflection.
I won’t jump in with you.
You will try and grab me.
You will project your shit at me.
You will at some point probably by frustrated AF with me.
And then when you see that everything you see in me is also in you and you learn to love those parts of yourself your life changes forever.
In this journey together, we will be clearing emotional patterns that keep you looping and stuck showing up the same way in life, living in that same internal and then external struggle that you are creating for yourself.
You will go through The Spiral.
You will do wealth clearing sessions to shift your energetic fields in what you can call in and hold around money and wealth.
We will work in the quantum fields.
And so much more.
I am calling in 3 people who are wanting to quantum leap their business and are in for doubling their income because they BECOME the person who does this by clearing the energetic, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual baggage that is keeping you from your dreams in the NOW.
If you have had enough of where you are playing right now and are ready to quantum leap life right now, drop QUANTUM LEAP below and I’ll be in touch with you.
If you are ready to surrender into the quantum shifts that are available for us right now, if you are willing to utilise the collapsing of time that is going on around us, if you want to come out of this period of time more abundant and with more love, joy, and peace in your life say yes to your soul and lets QUANTUM LEAP.
I am with you.
Together we rise.
With love,
photo: Hugh Norley